Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Proud of Myself

So... I have been working out pretty regularly lately and I have definitely been noticing a difference.  I have been trying to get an hour or so of cardio in every day and it's becoming quite satisfying to see my progress.  While I was pregnant with Cheyenne I watched a lot of infomercials and saw this one for Turbofire, a BeachBody product (same company that does P90X)|17312|turbo%20fire||S|e|11398648573&gclid=CMnDqvfv3bACFQiynQodf2Lo0A  and I saw something I knew I would enjoy doing and I got it.  It came in the mail a few days later but I wasn't able to start it until about a month after my c-section.  Once I started though, I wasn't sure if it was 1) overdoing it after major surgery or 2) working out on tile floor or 3) wearing crappy tennis shoes or 4) combo of all of the above, but I ended up hurting my hamstrings or some ligaments on the backsides of my legs and I had to stop.  Even after I started feeling better one video put me out for another couple weeks.  So I thought I had put it down for good. I was almost scared to start it back up fearing I would injure myself again.

The last month or two, I started it back up, and have been keeping to it pretty regularly.  I am noticing I have more and more power and stamina to get through the routines and I am able to go crazy where when I first started I was gasping for breath and taking breaks.  I have lost about 15 lbs and my clothes are starting to fit looser too!!  I have great motivation since Joe is a health and fitness freak and he works out nearly every day and we even try to get the kids involved as much as they can hang too. 

I entertained the thought of getting some friends together after work to do some Turbofire or P90X workouts and I might do that here soon.  In the videos they encourage you to surround yourself with people with your same goals and with people that will work out with you and be healthy together so I think it's time.

Working out more lately has really helped me feel better in general, not just about myself, but in dealing with crap at work and pounding out the stress in a healthy way rather than mentally putting my fist through someone's face (which I do so very often).  Today especially I feel like I have turned over a new leaf and I'm going to be unstoppable!  Can't wait for the alarm to go off at 4:30am to get my workout on!


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